Sunday 19 February 2012

What do ordinary people do with their time?

So due to The Boy being injured and me generally being the best girlfriend in the world we decided to have a weekend off from climbing. A very long two whole days. Saturday was fine as we consoled ourselves with the fact that the blustery weather meant we couldn't of gone outside even if we wanted to and although there were brand new shiny routes up at the wall they could wait. 

I mean they will still be there on Monday. 

I don't need to climb them right now.

 At all. 

Maybe just a quick 30min blast session?

NO! Rest rest rest rest.

This inevitably led to the question; What do normal people do on their weekends? Which reminded me of a very fitting quote I read on the UKC website:

So you've entered the world of rock climbing now and you can't shake the urge to go climbing more and more. I am sorry to have to tell you this... but it's over... your life as a normal, everyday person has gone! Climbers come in many shapes and sizes, but they are far from normal. The only thing you can do now is sit back and watch as your life slowly becomes engulfed by this crazy obsessive activity they call rock climbing! full article

Yep, that about sums it up!

In the vain effort to ignore the overwhelming craving we embraced our (not so inner) geek and played Kingdoms of Amalur into the early hours of Sunday morning. By played I mean argued over whose turn it was and clubbed each other into submission with PS3 controllers.

Then rolls on Sunday. A glorious gritstone perfect day. Great! My fingers itched to be chalked up as my gear called out to me from its forgotten corner and just as I had fathomed a passable excuse in my head to abandon The Boy and feed my addiction he reminded me that we already had plans. A rare and torturous occasion know as an Enforced Family Sunday Dinner Get Together. Visions of face smearing, rip flapping fun vanished and were swiftly replaced with monotony drowning in gravy and soggy cabbage. 

On the bright side there was plenty of wine to numb the pain.

Life lesson - rest days are not to be taken at weekends. Ever.

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